If you know your subject, but you don’t know how to convey it in a well-structured, concise, engaging way, I can help you edit your presentation so that you can:
meet the expectations of your audience
develop a structure that is easy to remember
highlight core messages.
I can offer guidance on:
choosing a good storytelling “opener” that will hook your audience
using the right terminology in English, i.e., making sure that your core messages don’t get “lost in translation”
how to position a “call to action”
finding the right tone to help you connect with your audience.
Who do I typically help?
Typically, it is non-native English speakers (managers, experts) who either lack confidence or have limited experience:
in giving presentations generally
presenting to audiences in English
presenting to global groups.
And also to more experienced presenters who:
face a career-defining presentation e.g. at a conference, to your CEO, or the Board.