Interview Preparation

Helping you ace your next interview

Interview Training

Many great leaders and highly competent team players struggle to “sell themselves” at interviews. While in Switzerland, folk tend to be more modest, interviewers still expect that you can summarise your career to date, and illustrate any competence or skill with examples.

What mistake do people typically make in interviews?

  1. Do endless research on the company, or even prepare slides and then are not prepared for basic introductory questions such as: “tell me about yourself” or “tell me how you are a good fit for the role” (this I have done myself!)
  2. Ignore storytelling 
  3. Assume that the interviewer has read your CV in detail (especially, for the first “kennenlernen” round of interviews, often the HR manager / recruiter is often looking to find out more about your experience, your motivation and how you “fit” into the organisation.

Interview training is particularly important if you are missing some of the criteria referred to in the job specification and you need to be able to “sell the good parts” as outweighing the aeras where the company might need to invest longer in onboarding you.

Read Success stories /interview

Prices from 250CHF per hour (online)

Having worked in Zurich, Switzerland in outplacement for two years, I can:

  • review, proofread and ensure that your CV meets the criteria of the Swiss market
  • help you summarise key sections / find ways to highlight keywords.

To find out more

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